Hypertension : Causes, Symptoms, Investigations and its Line of Treatment

According to World Health Organisation, Hypertension is defined as “high or raised blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of the body in the vessels. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the vessels. Blood pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the walls of blood vessels (arteries) as it is pumped by the heart. The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump.” Hypertension ̶ or elevated blood pressure ̶ is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases.

So, Hypertension is basically the Force Exerted by the blood against the walls of arteries is too high, usually the blood pressure is 140/90 mm of Hg and in severe cases it can go upto 180/120 mm of Hg

Understanding hypertension in Ayurveda context

According to Maanasi Menon and Akhilesh Shukla article published on NCBI website ,To gain a deeper understanding of hypertension after studying Shad Kriyakala (six stages of Dosha imbalance) and Avarana of Doshas (occlusion in the normal functioning of the Doshas) and the modern pathogenesis of hypertension. Hypertension without specific symptoms in its mild and moderate stages cannot be considered as a disease in Ayurveda. It appears to be an early stage of pathogenesis and a risk factor for development of diseases affecting the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes etc.

As per World Health Organization report, about 40% of people aged more than 25 years had hypertension in 2008

What are causes of Hypertension ?

Improper food habits and modern sedentary lifestyle with or without genetic predisposition provokes and vitiates all the Tridoshas to trigger the pathogenesis of hypertension.

It is proposed that hypertension is to be understood as the PrasaraAvastha which means spread of vitiated Doshas from their specific sites, specifically of Vyana Vata, Prana Vata, Sadhaka Pitta and Avalambaka Kapha along with Rakta in their disturbed states.

The Avarana (occlusion of normal functioning) of Vata Dosha by Pitta and Kapha can be seen in the Rasa-Rakta Dhathus, which in turn hampers the functioning of the respective Srotas (micro-channels) of circulation.

In General language, causes of hypertension are imbalanced lifestyle and improper nutrition and improper food, also in some cases, due to diabetes, chronic diseases like Kidney disorders or SLE, or due to the reasons of family history also.

General reasons of our lifestyle and other issues causing Hypertension are as follows :

  • Diet high in Salt
  • Diet High in Fat content
  • Cholestrol Raising Diet
  • Chronic conditions like Kidney ailments, Hormonal Problem
  • High Bad Fat / Cholestrol
  • Diabetes
  • Family History

Symptoms of Hypertension

  • Severe Headache
  • Nose Bleed
  • Chest Pain
  • Vision problem
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Blood in Urine
  • Dizziness
  • exccessive Sweating
  • Facial flushing etc.


  1. Physical Examination – Armcuff
  2. Ambulatory Monitoring
  3. Lab Tests
  4. ECG
  5. Echocardiogram
  6. Urinalysis


  • Heart Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart Failure
  • Vascular Dementia
  • Kidney Failure / Problems
  • Eye Damage
  • Complications in pregnancy

Line of treatment in Ayurveda

A number of experts says that Ayurvedic medicines like Jatamansi, Sarpgandha and Amalki can be helpful in hypertension

There are many concoctions are available to treat a hypertension patients as per their conditions are listed below for reference to physicians only.

  1. Divya Mukta vati
  2. Divya BP Grit Vati
  3. Divya Medhavati
  4. Arjun Arishtha
  5. Hridya Arnava Ras with Honey
  6. Brahmi vati
  7. Sarpagandha Ghanvati
  8. Mamsyadi Kwath

Yogasanas helpful in hypertensions are

  1. Shava Asana
  2. Padama Asana
  3. Swastik Asana
  4. Tada Asana

Pranayams Helpful in hypertension

  • Anuloma Viloma
  • Ujjayi Pranayama

Counselling of a Hypertension Patient

  1. Regular Blood Pressure monitoring
  2. maintenance of Body weight
  3. Aerobic Excercises
  4. Wisely use of Medicines
  5. Relaxation of mind and body with Yoga and Meditation
  6. consumption of more Vegetables and fruits in Diet

Do & Don’t ( Pathya and Apathya)


Consuming Wheat, Barley, Millets flour, Green vegetables, Ginger, Lemons, Sahijan (Moringa), Citrus fruit (Grapes, Oranges etc.) Arjun Bark boiled in milk ( Arjun Ksheer Paak), Gud ( Jaggery), Shahad/Madhu ( Honey), Black Grams ( Kale Chane), Omega 3 fish oil supplements

Regular excercise and non sedentary lifestyle

Apathya :

Synthetic and junk Food, Ghee ( Clarified Butter), Dalda (Vegetable oils), Maida, Besan (Gram Flour), Pistachios, Alcohol, Smoking,Oily Food, Cake, Pasteries etc.

Adopting Lazy and Sedentary lifestyle.

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